Friday 30 January 2009

The Benefits of Understanding Business Studies

I found a great article on the Majon website that clearly states the importance of understanding business studies in regard to life skills. For example, the importance of applying very basic business skill sets throughout lifes experiences and situations.

I can't really add to it. Check it out.

Understanding Business Studies

Monday 26 January 2009

Google Power

In December 2008 it is alleged that Google, the super power in search engine retrieval was up to something which could either be seen as fundamentally good for everyone or trying to further dominate in a very lucrative industry (selling targeted adverts).

Google always lobbies quite publically for neutrality in regards to web traffic and how it is handled with no website being treated differently than any other. However, it has been suggested that Google may have approached a major cable and phone company to create a super fast lane into which Googles own content will be delivered. Therefore, websites like YouTube would be super fast. This practise is called 'edge caching' and encourages ISP's to install additional servers on their networks to deliver high speed traffic. Any company can do this and it is not exclusive. However, not many companies can afford or wield as much power to be able to do so. Having competitors in business is important to keep the other companies 'on their toes'

So, is it for the greater good of everybody or for Google themselves? Is it both?

Whatever the answer to the question it certainly goes against the Google ideology of 'neutrality of traffic' and will mean that Google Maps will run faster than Windows Live Maps and Picasa will be faster than Flickr.

Many people are in favour of edge caching as it speeds up the internet in general but i will stay wary.

I am reminded of the old saying 'Power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely'. (quote source)

It's not as bad as they make out.

Times are tough out there in the business place at the moment. There are many companies struggling and those companies who have large overheads and by their very size are less flexible to quick change will struggle to stay afloat. However, there are many companies doing fine. We for instance haven't seen much of a slow down in work since October 2008.

We have noticed in our line of work that most small/medium sized companies seem to be coping just fine. Work is still flowing in. Sacrifices will need to be made but generally people are fine. People are holding out on their payment terms a little longer than usual but that is about all.

The media are scare mongering many people. Sure, their is a problem with the credit crunch but it's not all the doom and gloom that is being publicised by the media.

One of the greatest things a company can do at the minute is start to look at effective marketing to push their brands and brand awareness further. A very effective means of marketing is Pay Per Click advertising which i will discuss in more detail in a following post.

Friday 23 January 2009

All this Talk of Recession!

Everybody here in the UK is talking about recession but what exactly is it? Basically, recession is where the Gross Domestic Product (GDB) ceases to grow and starts to recede – thus a recession in growth. A growing economy is very important. More about economic growth

During a recession people stop buying the expensive, luxury items such as houses, cars, high end furniture which affects the businesses producing and selling these items. Companies therefore need to reduce their overheads and lay staff off causing unemployment and higher public spending through benefits. This reduces publis spending even more and a cycle of recession continues.

A Government can try to encourage spending by injecting money into the economy by reducing interest rates.

We have seen a recession early on in 2009 in the UK which if we don’t pull out of soon could quite easily become a depression. I will discuss depressions at a later date.

Welcome One and All

Hello there,

Over the next few weeks i'm going to start to write about a passion of mine (apart from fly fishing) which is of course Business Studies.

I will start to gather relevant resources and hopefully help those of you out there who are looking to set up a business yourselves.

Well, i shall speak to you all soon.

